HVAC Installation and Maintenance Tools - MGF Tools

Climate Systems

MGF Tools offers a range of products for the professional installation and maintenance of air conditioning systems.
In this sector, installers will also find high-quality products: vacuum pumps, pressure gauges and manifold sets, flaring tools, tools for collars, refrigerant gases, refrigerant gas recovery machines, leak detectors, scales...
For installers, we also offer calibration services for all tools according to the strict quality standards of the F-GAS regulation.

MGF DV1000 Digital Vacuum Gauge
The MGF DV1000 is a precise digital vacuum gauge for HVAC pros, measuring 0-19000 microns with ±10% accuracy and app-based monitoring for real-time results.
235.00 €
352.11 €
Universal Dual-Headed Valve Extractor
Efficient dual-headed tool for valve core removal/installation. Compatible with multiple valve types, ideal for HVAC systems.
6.61 €
1/4″ SAE Valve Extractor
1/4″ SAE valve extractor for safe, gas-loss-free removal/installation. Accelerates gas flow during charging for HVAC systems.
18.49 €
Universal Valve Extractor Kit 1/4″-5/16″ SAE
(Includes 5/16″ Adapter and 1/4″ SAE Valve Extractor)Complete valve extractor kit with 5/16″ adapter and 1/4″ SAE extractor. Gas-loss-free operation, accelerates gas flow during charging.
35.74 €
Refrigerants Scale MINI 11 lbs. (5kg)
MINI Electronic digital battery scale for refrigerants, with a maximum, weighed of 5 Kg and with a subdivision of 1 gram. Comfortable to always carry in the toolbox. 
42.00 €
49.30 €
Two-stage Vacuum Pump, 56 - 540 L/min
Two-stage vacuum pump for air conditioning, Eastern Cool: economic, imported. The pump is tested accurately in Italy before shipping.
188.92 €
247.25 €
Refrigerants Recovery unit w/oil separator 1 HP
Refrigerant gas recovery unit, excellent refrigerant gas recovery system, fully compatible also with R32 refrigerants and push-pull function.
1,045.05 €
1,540.46 €
Complete digital SET for HVAC
Kit supplied in case for maintenance and installation of climate systems. Version with digital manifold suitable for 89 types of gas.
840.01 €
1,231.14 €
Digital gauge manifold SET
This electronic gauge manifold is an device for the installation, testing and maintenance of refrigeration equipment such as air conditioners and cold storage.
395.02 €
597.70 €
Gauge Manifolds 4 ways R410a, R32, R407C, R134A
HVAC Gauge manifolds 4 ways, connections 5/16" - 3/8" for R410a and R32; composed of pulse-free gauge manometers, adjusting screw, valves and connections.
72.24 €
110.92 €
Gauge Manifolds 4 ways R422, R407, R134a - 1/4''
HVAC Gauge manifolds 4 ways, connections 1/4" - 3/8" for R422, R407, and R134a; composed of pulse-free gauge manometers, adjusting screws, valves, and connections.
72.24 €
110.92 €
Charging Hose KIT 5/16''-5/16'' 45° 1500
Complete set with 3 Charging hoses for R410, R32 1500mm, equipped with core depressor and knurled nut, connections 5/16''
57.75 €
85.03 €
Universal Plastic Pipe Beveler
Universal Plastic Pipe Beveler from Ø25mm to Ø168 mm. Designed to produce quickly a smooth 15° bevel on plastic pipes.
96.01 €
134.33 €
Heads for Expankit and Expankit H
An accessory kit of replacement heads designed exclusively for the Expankit and Expankit H Hydraulic Pipe Expander Kits. Essential for expanding the functionality of existing Expankit systems, these heads cannot be used independently and require an existing Expankit or Expankit H.
49.45 €
60.31 €
Expankit H Hydraulic Pipe Expander Kit
This versatile hydraulic expander kit for copper, aluminium, and steel pipes features six interchangeable heads for precise pipe expansion, reduction, and calibration. It is perfect for professional-grade installations and repairs and has a low-maintenance hydraulic system.
872.12 €
1,063.56 €
Manual Flanging Tool Kit for CSST Pipes
100% Italian-made flanging kit for water and gas CSST pipes. Includes tools, dies, and a sturdy carrying case for professional use.
140.00 €
182.75 €
HVAC Fin Cleaning & Straightening Tool
Versatile tool for cleaning and straightening fins in HVAC heat exchangers. Improves thermal efficiency with six adjustable sizes for various systems.
10.81 €
15.72 €
Gas leak detector
Gas leak detector that adopts to detects gas leakage with high sensitivity and strong adaptive ability. For: Methane, natural gas, coal gas, ethane, etc
178.00 €
258.80 €
Thermohygrometer Digital pocket

Professional tool for heat engineering and installers, ideal for detecting environmental conditions and carry out checks on air handling units.
149.01 €
215.67 €
Next Generation Torque Wrench
Enhanced torque wrench system featuring intuitive and accurate color-coded torque settings for ease of use. Torque specifications are tailored to the union size: 1/4" at 18Nm, 3/8" at 42Nm, 1/2" at 55Nm, and 5/8" at 65Nm.
Every wrench undergoes calibration prior to dispatch to ensure precision.
A calibration certificate is included with each unit.
105.00 €
147.89 €
Valves with Depressor
Available in three distinct colors: yellow, red, and blue.Various sizes are offered in inches.Expertly machined from high-quality brass bars, compliant with EN 12164 standards.
14.18 €
16.95 €
Electric Heating Belt for Gas Cylinders
The Electric Heating Belt is designed to optimize the gas charging process from refillable cylinders by increasing gas pressure through controlled heating. This efficient device accelerates the charging process, helping you save time while also minimizing gas waste.
146.41 €
221.83 €
TELESCOPIC 32 Telescopic pipe cutter 3 - 32 mm
Telescopic thumbwheel pipe cutter for copper and thin steel pipes, for diameters from 3 to 32 mm (1/8'' - 1 1/4''). Telescopic 32 MGF Tools with a deburring tool
33.68 €
44.02 €